This video features MAJGEN Mick Krause presenting the new Decision Making and Planning Processes (DMPP).
This cross-post from The Cove features a PME session run by 5 BDE. MAJGEN Krause discusses how the new DMPP replaces both the Military Appreciation Process and the Joint Military Appreciation Process for Joint Planning. The new PAM brings about a much better-defined role for the Commander and sees a transition to Commander lead planning. There are now two processes, the Immediate Decision-Making Process (IDMP) and the Deliberate Military Appreciation Process (DMAP).
Criteria for planning have been added to include deception and adaptability in the planning process. Chapters have been added for the role of the Commander, bias and pattern recognition. The processes also acknowledge the role that intuition and experience play in the planning process. For those without extensive experience in large-scale combat operations, military history can provide a framework for understanding problems faster.
MAJGEN Krause discusses the importance of wargaming and QDEs for drilling into the planning staff and the Commander’s ability to decrease the time required for decision-making. There is now an emphasis on early decision making – given the critical role that time plays when planning against an adversary. Faster planning and decisions enables a tighter OODA loop and supports decision superiority. The new processes have been designed for joint and coalition interoperability, ensuring faster and more robust planning that integrates well into coalition HQs.
This episode is available either as the podcast in your favourite podcast player, or on our Decision Making and Planning Processes youtube video. For further listening about how decision making was done historically, listen to Dr Jim Storr’s excellent interview on planning – Time and the importance of timeliness in orders.
Thanks again to The Cove for the excellent content. There are some excellent podcasts and also the Cove Youtube channel.